We are all afflicted by what is the “human condition,” a constant chase for stability in both moral and physical satisfactions. For all conditional events I define and group them into two categories: one being longevity and the other as impact. All action has a reaction and that is true even in the smallest of events. But with every choice of an action it is very hard to weigh if the reaction will offer more ideas and framework of longevity, or be more of an impact to what's present.


I used to think it was always one or the other with one side being more important than the other, and that the less important side should be avoided at all cost for the time being. And for whichever is more valuable is defined by the lifestyle and goals of an individual. (like short term pleasures and long term goals)  And in some sense that is true, I feel that these more “impactful events” have a connotation similar to like a distraction, or like how a devil tempts a person with materialism or lust, and that inevitably becomes a distraction from their “life's work” or what it could be. Et, dans pour ce que je vu le monde, to be completely devoted to the side of longevity is enslavement to your conscious grinding out ideas by keeping the spirit of change and present trapped. The balance between the two with the acceptance of change and keeping your composure within it, is happiness and success comes from it


No matter how similar a goal could be between two different people, the steps they take with the impacts they receive will always be different and result in a different kind of person with a different type of attitude towards the world. And attitude is the most important variable in sowing the seeds for any type of reaction in a person's life, and people have two different kinds being; a petty attitude and a definitive attitude. The petty attitude makes up for tone and boundaries of respect in that a person’s “automatic thoughts” and usually is more reactive and evolving. A definitive attitude is like the canvas of a person and makes up the ground they stand on, this is the side that takes time to change but is ultimately the side that shows the world how you present yourself even in the face of no one. And they work hand in hand, the petty attitude needs stability and offers change, and the definitive needs to always try and grow. Ideas of change don’t spawn from nothing and every word matters as it adds detail to the characteristics that make up an attitude, and since attitude is that critical variable in sowing seeds of longevity, then it should be guarded or at least mindful of what is the cause of its change. A lot of the mind is malleable, and with attitude that is especially true. There is so much power in every word anyone says as words are the training instrument for the mind. And everything counts, the camera is rolling all the time and just because you spoke behind closed doors its accepted as real since you heard it. As a species we are a product of our environments to at least some degree, and there is no one more influential on ourselves than ourselves. The importance of even the little dialogue can be seen if you can compare it to how in building confidence, the little details are all that matter. They make up the whole and are what gives it a unique quality between others. You tell someone that the sky's the limit and it truly is as long as they truly believe in themself that they can actually reach there, and that faith in themselves makes it possible and probable. The same is true for the opposite where negativity can convince someone of being negative and once that's been deeply accepted as true then the confidence for completion has already been lost. But even if the world constantly ridicules a dream or an attitude that the individual wants to achieve, then it will forever be possible as long as the individual believes in their own potential and in their dream, no matter how selfish or ignorant they are to its failures. Yes we are a product of our environments, but no, everything around us doesn’t define all that is us. As malleable as our brains are, we guard the vision of the person we will grow into or the things that person will do to feel expressive.   And so the human condition with all its distractions offers us a gift if you can realize that everyone is truly limitless, and the limitations in someone only comes from themself and time. Half of that is a variable you have no control over but at least it is a consistent one, and the other variable left is only yourself. 


I think every person grows into the idea(s) they truly believed or loved when they were younger, as people grow they gain wisdom but lose the innocence that is still figuring out and exploring the world. But a child’s imagination is limitless and only becomes limited when “pour ce que ils vont le monde être” deems the idea impossible and as I said before, besides a realistic aspect, it's all up to the confidence in them. There's an obvious rationale versus a child’s dream of sprouting wings and flying to the moon and the belief that there is better and that it's only waiting for them to go grab it, but even ignorance in a sense of denying one's failure will sprout success as long as their dream stays intact.
