DEFTOODA - “Doing Everything For The Option Of Doing Anything”


Be in search of joy, and look to memorize its face. But chasing joy is different from chasing happiness, where happiness is just something that will come and go like a cause and effect. But joy, joy is something you can shape, appreciate, and control. It's the type of action where the result & its value wasn’t the forethought and motivation came from just the idea. But to be in search of joy can feel like an impossible task. Do you believe that with every second that passes, a part of you grows? Then extend your hand in the dark and look for something that feels good to you. For whatever dream you’re working towards there are always moments where the space feels empty as you are only focused on the final product of your “dream,” the moments where it feels like nothing moves or the rest of the day just is a waiting period for tomorrow. Everyone has a ladder to climb, but I implore you to stop on the way up, look around & find the things you really enjoy. Not for anyone else but for you. As selfish as possible. 


Even if it's hidden from you or the world, please do not stop looking for it. I promise it’s there, but maybe it needs light to be shed onto it. 


And that light comes from awareness of your own experience, & the compassion you give yourself. & give yourself a break, you’re not perfect & everything you do doesn’t bear the weight of the world so relax. If you give yourself some humility, it will be easier to give it to someone else’s perspective that you’ll one day try to understand.



awareness->perspective->compassion->humility->integrity->love.->joy.->happiness :)


